The value and impact of interactive induction LED floor tile screens

HLD display in the eyes of Brother Pheasant

How complex is the LED display installation and removal process?

What is a small-pitch LED screen and what are its advantages compared with ordinary displays?

Selection and installation of outdoor LED displays, technical collection



Super detailed LED transparent screen installation tutorial-Indoor LED transparent screen installation method

LED transparent display applications have different installation methods in different places. This article introduces in detail the installation methods of LED transparent screens in various places. I hope it can help everyone.Indoor LED transparent screen installation method1. Floor support installation methodMainly used for exhibition screens, exhibition hall screens, outdoor advertising screens, etc. The floor-standing support type mainly relies on the force of the steel structure and has no restrictions on the display area and weight. If the screen height is not high, it can be simply fixed at the bottom. If the screen height is very high, you need to use upper and lower fixing blocks to fix the screen.2. Wall-mounted installation methodThe wall-mounted LED transparent screen is mainly installed outside the indoor wall. Generally, the wall will have stress points. The outdoor LED display screen is hung on the wall and the wall is used as a fixed support. It is commonly seen in cros



How to improve the service life of LED display?

Doing a good job in daily maintenance of the LED display plays a vital role in extending the service life of the display and ensuring the normal operation of the LED display.1. On average, maintenance is required at least twice a year;2. Check during the rainy season to determine whether there is water leakage;3. Regularly inspect lightning rods and grounding lines;4. On the premise of ensuring visual effects, avoid making the monitor too bright;5. Avoid not using the monitor for a long time. Leaving it for too long will affect the life of the monitor;6. Choose to turn off the power when not in use instead of powering the monitor on standby.7. First turn on the control computer so that it can operate normally, and then turn on the outdoor LED display;8. Regularly check the power lines and signal lines to prevent the lines from being broken or bitten;9. The entire power supply system should be inspected twice a year;10. If any breakage or other damage is found, replace it in time, espec



The service life of the LED display, doing so will extend the service life

The benefits brought by LED display screens in various application fields are understandable. After all, they cost a "big price". At the same time, some more careful friends may ask this question: "How long can the LED display screen purchased at a 'big price' be used?" Is its service life long? With these two questions, follow the editor to learn more about the service life of LED displays~The service life of LED display screenThe service life of LED displays is more than 100,000 hours. Because the backlight is generally LED light, the life of the backlight is equivalent to that of the LED display. Even if it is used 24 hours a day without interruption, the theoretical equivalent lifespan is more than 10 years, and the half-life is 50,000 hours. Of course, these are theoretical values! How long it can actually be used is also closely related to the use environment and maintenance of the product. Good maintenance and upkeep methods are the foundation of the life of the LED display. The



What are the outdoor LED displays? Which model is more suitable for outdoor use

The manufacturing processes of outdoor and indoor LED displays are completely different. LED displays used outdoors have higher performance requirements than indoor ones. So which displays are more suitable for outdoor applications? We can make purchases based on the following conditions:1. Viewing distanceWhen choosing an outdoor LED display, you should also choose the point spacing of the display based on the distance between the viewers. Outdoor LED displays are generally divided into P4, P6, P8, P10, P16 and so on according to the point spacing. Generally, it can be estimated according to the simplified formula "optimal viewing distance = dot spacing/(0.3~0.8)". For example, if you use a P16 display and the dot spacing is 16mm, the optimal viewing distance is 20-54 meters.2. Installation method and heightInstallation height: According to our outdoor installation height, it can provide us with a good basis for choosing the LED display model. If our installation height is high and th



What is LED transparent screen? LED transparent screen display technology explanation

What is LED transparent screen? The LED transparent screen is an evolved version of the traditional LED display screen. In order to pursue better transparency and solve some objective problems caused by the opacity and airtightness of traditional screens, manufacturers have improved the manufacturing process and materials. Improve its light transmittance and performance. Because the transparency once broke the rules and was mostly used in windows or other places with glass, it is called LED transparent screen.The birth of the LED transparent screen not only solves the many problems of traditional screens such as bulky screen body, poor heat dissipation, complex structure, high power consumption, and abrupt shape, but also has extremely high transparency rate, which does not affect indoor lighting, high brightness, and consumption. It has low energy, is thin and light, easy to maintain and install, has beautiful installation, takes up little space, is green, energy-saving and environmen



What transparent LED displays are suitable for indoor applications?

With the continuous popularity of LED transparent screens in practical applications, transparent screens can be seen everywhere, and they are also showing a diversified trend. In real life, we see far more than one kind of transparent screen. You may have a lot of doubts about the characteristics and application scope of various transparent screens. What the editor wants to share today is about the application range of indoor LED transparent screens. Which LED transparent screens are suitable for indoor applications? Let’s find out~Led transparent screenLED transparent screens are transparent, light and thin, and are currently the best display products for glass window displays. Through the cool video display on the indoor LED transparent screen, it can greatly attract the attention of customers, increase the attention of the store, enhance the brand image, and promote sales of merchants. Nowadays, when everyone goes shopping outside, they see advertisements playing on the glass curtai



Which is better, LED or LED screen? Technical advantages of LED display

LED display screen has become a powerful alternative to LCD screen. The emergence of LED display screens has made up for the shortcomings of LCD TVs and projectors in terms of brightness, size, energy saving, and protective effects. In the most intuitive picture, it also eliminates the problems of splicing gaps and black frames, greatly improving Viewable area and look and feel. So what other advantages does LED display have over LCD? Let’s learn about some of the technical advantages of LED displays.1. Stable performanceThe LED display uses distributed scanning technology and modular design technology to improve the reliability and stability of the system. It is mainly a scanning control technology. Different units constitute the display part and can complete independent scanning. At the same time, each unit can also implement signal latch and perform synchronous control, so the display stability is good.2. Super long lifeThe LED display screen uses high-quality light-emitting compone



Industry focus! How much of the topic of the two sessions is related to the future of the LED display industry?

The Two Sessions, the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, are one of the most important political events in China. During the two sessions, the government will announce a series of policies and development plans, which often have a profound impact on various industries. As an emerging industry, the LED display industry's future development trends are closely related to national policies, market demand and other factors. The following points can reflect the connection between the topics of the two sessions and the LED display industry:Industrial policy support: During the two sessions, the government may introduce a series of support policies for emerging industries, such as tax incentives, financial support, etc. These policies are conducive to the development of the LED display industry and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.Technological innovation: During the two sessions, the government may propose strategic goals for stren



LED display daily maintenance knowledge: What are the effects of high temperature working conditions?

Today, as LED displays are increasingly used in applications, in order to maximize the benefits of display use, app stores should have basic knowledge about LED display maintenance. Whether it is an indoor LED display or an outdoor LED display, heat will be generated during operation, and the heat generated will cause the temperature of the LED display to increase. But do you know what impact the display will have under high-temperature working conditions? The editor will analyze it with everyone below.Under normal circumstances, indoor LED displays generate less heat due to low brightness and can dissipate heat naturally; however, outdoor LED displays generate large amounts of heat due to high brightness and require heat dissipation through air conditioners or axial flow fans. Since LED displays are electronic products, the increase in temperature will affect the light attenuation of the LED display lamp beads, the working efficiency of the driver IC, and the service life of the LED d

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