The value and impact of interactive induction LED floor tile screens

HLD display in the eyes of Brother Pheasant

How complex is the LED display installation and removal process?

What is a small-pitch LED screen and what are its advantages compared with ordinary displays?

Selection and installation of outdoor LED displays, technical collection



HLD display in the eyes of Brother Pheasant

Yo! I heard that you want to know which HLD display company? No problem, Brother Pheasant, I'll give you 818.The spring breeze in April is like a gentle hand caressing the streets and alleys, and also caressing our days. No, even the display screens are following the trend, especially those HLD displays, which have become the new darling in the market. Let’s take a look at this HLD display company today and see what they have to offer!The first thing to say is that these HLD displays are no joke, they are real life products. Take a look, whether it's a billboard in a shopping mall, an electronic screen on the street, or the TV in your living room, these displays are everywhere and impact our lives all the time. HLD display company has grasped this point. The display screens they produce are closely related to our daily life and are very easy to use.Moreover, their stuff is particularly exaggerated. For example, in their brochure, a pixel can be said to be brighter than the stars in the



Transparent LED display in application environment

1. Space design: The transparent LED display can be customized into different shapes to meet different space needs and achieve the effect of space beautification.2. Building curtain wall: The transparent LED display screen is usually installed on the glass keel and combined with the glass curtain wall to achieve good advertising effects.3. Exhibition display: Transparent screens are used in various exhibitions, such as auto shows, press conferences, etc., to promote products in an all-round way.4. Window display: Transparent advertising machines hung on windows can play a very good role in commercial promotion.



Transparent LED display features

1. High transparency effect: Depending on the dot spacing of the transparent LED display, the light transmittance can be between about 50-90%. The perspective effect allows the glass to retain the function of lighting and perspective, and the existence of the LED light can hardly be seen from a distance. The lighting of the glass curtain wall is not affected.2. Small space occupied and light weight: The main board of the screen is only 10mm thick. After the transparent LED screen is installed, it takes up almost no space and does not interfere with other facilities or structures near the glass curtain wall. The LED transparent screen is extremely light in weight, and after being installed on the glass curtain wall, the load requirements on the glass curtain wall change very little.3. Only a simple steel frame structure is required, saving a lot of costs: This product is light in weight, easy to install, does not require a complex supporting steel structure, and can save a lot of instal



How to distinguish the types and application fields of transparent LED displays?

Over the years, transparent LED displays have been as popular in the market as small spacing. Transparent displays have high permeability and can form a transparent display effect on the glass curtain wall, with a strong sense of fashion and technology. Transparent LED display is a classification of LED display. It is not created out of thin air, nor does it break away from the essence of the display. Instead, they are developing innovative products for light strips in the industry. LED transparent screen manufacturers have made targeted improvements to the patch manufacturing process, lamp bead packaging, and control systems of the light strips. Coupled with the price of the hollow design, conventional lamps The transparency and pixel resolution of the strip screen are greatly improved.Distinguished by lamp bead patch method:1. Front-facing lamp beads: It adopts front-lighting technology and adopts conventional LED display standard lamp beads, which can ensure a full 140° viewing angl



How to distinguish static and dynamic transparent LED displays?

With the continuous development of my country's urbanization process, urban landscape lighting design has received widespread attention. It combines local history, culture, natural landscape and other composition elements and designs to show people a higher standard of spiritual culture and is also the image of the city. symbol of. In recent years, all parts of the country have been actively promoting the construction of smart cities, and local governments have paid more and more attention to urban planning and construction and landscape lighting projects. The transparent LED display screen has the characteristics of transparency, lightness and thinness.Common driving methods include static scanning and dynamic scanning. Static scanning is divided into static real pixel and static virtual. Dynamic scanning is also divided into dynamic real image and dynamic virtual.1. Transparent LED display scanning method classification:Scanning method: In a certain display area, the ratio of the num



Transparent LED display application fields

For traditional LED displays, traditional LED displays are bulky and consume a lot of money, which is not conducive to maintenance. Installation requires a large amount of transportation and installation labor costs. Through its continuous technological innovation and innovative breakthroughs, Jucaiyuan's LED transparent screen not only ensures the lighting requirements and viewing angle range requirements of floors, glass facades, windows and other lighting structures in the product's use environment, but the product also has good The heat dissipation and anti-aging functions can be used in various fields. The product is also extremely convenient to install and maintain. It breaks the limitations of traditional LED display screens on glass curtain walls and is a major change in LED displays.As for Oika LED transparent display, it is highly transparent, light and thin, and can be used in exhibitions, airports, advertising media, chain stores, large shopping malls, corporate exhibition



Super detailed LED transparent screen installation tutorial-LED transparent screen installation precautions

1. Load-bearing requirementsWhen the LED transparent screen splicing area is large, the load-bearing structure at the installation location must be solid.2. Firmness and stability requirementsThe connection between the mounting surface and the mounting bracket, and the mounting bracket and the equipment should be strong, stable, and reliable to ensure that the installed equipment does not slip, tilt, or fall.3. Anti-rust measuresMetal components must be firmly welded or connected and must be rust-proofed, and the materials used must have sufficient rust resistance.4. Life span of structural equipmentThe service life of structural equipment should not be less than the safe use period of the transparent LED display, and inspection and necessary maintenance must be carried out according to the usage after installation.5. Power requirementsThe power supply equipment should have a qualified power supply with the same identification as the equipment to be installed. The power supply capacity



Super detailed LED transparent screen installation tutorial - outdoor LED transparent screen installation method

1. Installation method of framed glass curtain wallWhether the glass curtain wall type structure uses a skeleton and glass frame made of special aluminum alloy profiles or a steel frame, the aluminum alloy frame in the entire curtain wall will be exposed. This semi-hidden frame curtain wall glass can be installed in two ways. For vertical and horizontal lighting, the glass is installed and fixed in the groove, and the left and right sides are pasted and reinforced with glass glue; for vertical and horizontal lighting curtain wall glass, the glass must be placed in the aluminum alloy inlaid groove of the horizontal bar, and then capped on the outside of the glass. Press the plate and hide the aluminum vertical pole behind the glass.2. Installation method of frameless proportional curtain wallThe glass on the frameless curtain wall can also be called structural glass. This kind of curtain wall is mostly used on the first floor of the building. It is similar to the floor-to-ceiling window



Super detailed LED transparent screen installation tutorial-Indoor LED transparent screen installation method

LED transparent display applications have different installation methods in different places. This article introduces in detail the installation methods of LED transparent screens in various places. I hope it can help everyone.Indoor LED transparent screen installation method1. Floor support installation methodMainly used for exhibition screens, exhibition hall screens, outdoor advertising screens, etc. The floor-standing support type mainly relies on the force of the steel structure and has no restrictions on the display area and weight. If the screen height is not high, it can be simply fixed at the bottom. If the screen height is very high, you need to use upper and lower fixing blocks to fix the screen.2. Wall-mounted installation methodThe wall-mounted LED transparent screen is mainly installed outside the indoor wall. Generally, the wall will have stress points. The outdoor LED display screen is hung on the wall and the wall is used as a fixed support. It is commonly seen in cros

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