Moscow Sokolniki Shopping Center




We are thrilled to announce that the display screen project at the Moscow Sakharov Center has been completed successfully. This project is an important achievement for us in delivering high-end display solutions, showcasing our expertise and technical capabilities in this field. The project involves installing 55-inch OLED display screens throughout the main entrance and central area of the mall. These screens not only provide stunning visual effects, but also offer various functions such as advertising, video playback, and interactive games. Our team demonstrated outstanding professionalism and efficient work efficiency throughout the project execution. We overcame time constraints and the challenges brought about by the pandemic to ensure the project was completed on time. The success of this project is largely due to the support and trust of our clients. We are deeply grateful for their cooperation and trust, allowing us to provide them with high-quality solutions and services for this important project. We are proud to showcase our technical capabilities and innovation capabilities through this project. We look forward to more opportunities to work with clients and provide them with more premium display solutions in the future.

LAST: Grid screen in Tokyo, Japan NEXT: Paris shopping center

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