The value and impact of interactive induction LED floor tile screens

HLD display in the eyes of Brother Pheasant

How complex is the LED display installation and removal process?

What is a small-pitch LED screen and what are its advantages compared with ordinary displays?

Selection and installation of outdoor LED displays, technical collection



What is the stretching performance of transparent screens?

Transparent screen is a special display technology that allows the image on the screen to be clearly displayed through glass or other transparent materials. The stretching performance of a transparent screen is an important indicator to measure its display effect. Let’s introduce it in detail below.1. Stretching performance of transparent screenThe stretching performance of transparent screens mainly includes the following aspects:1.Wear resistance of tensile parts: The wear resistance of tensile parts refers to the degree of wear resistance of tensile parts during use. The higher the wear resistance of the tensile part, the longer the service life of the transparent screen. The wear resistance of the stretched parts is determined by the stretching process and materials of the transparent screen.2.Reflectivity of tensile parts: The reflectivity of tensile parts refers to the ability of the tensile part to reflect incident light. The higher the reflectivity of the stretched piece, the b



The difference between LED grille screen and LED transparent screen

1: The similarities between the two1 The design principles are the same:Like the transparent LED display, the LED grille screen adopts a hollow design based on the traditional LED display, removing the redundant parts and providing product transparency, making the location where these two displays are installed more transparent. higher.2 The installation locations overlap:Both are installed with glass curtain walls. The main purpose is to take advantage of their high transmittance characteristics without affecting indoor lighting. This is mainly because the opacity of traditional outdoor LED displays suppresses indoor light. It is not conducive to the health of indoor workers. As early as 2015, some European countries have issued relevant policies that do not allow the installation of outdoor LED displays without transparency.2: The difference between the two1. The use of lamp beads is different: LED light strip screens generally have a relatively large production area, so the point sp



What is an LED grille screen? What is the difference from a transparent LED display?

In recent years, urban landscape has developed from simple functional lighting to aesthetically significant displays. Many LED grille screens are built on the most prosperous landmark buildings in the city. These large screens are exactly LED grille screens. What is an LED grille screen? What is the difference between LED grille screen and LED transparent screen? Let’s take a look at the difference between LED grille screens and transparent screens.What is LED grille screenLED grille screen is also called LED light bar screen. It is a grid-like display screen composed of light bars. Because its shape is hollow, people in the industry also call it a hollow screen. This kind of display screen is mainly used in outdoor walls, glass curtain walls, building tops, outdoor anti-aircraft guns, sightseeing elevators, etc. The leap-forward design of the grid screen breaks through many limitations of traditional LED screens on building walls, making the project more flexible, more selective, and



What is the molding processing performance of transparent screens?

Transparent screen is a special display technology that allows the image on the screen to be clearly displayed through glass or other transparent materials. The molding processing performance of a transparent screen is an important indicator to measure its display effect. Let’s introduce it in detail below.1. Molding processing performance of transparent screenThe molding processing performance of transparent screens mainly includes the following aspects:1.Wear resistance of molded parts: The wear resistance of molded parts refers to the degree of wear resistance of molded parts during use. The higher the wear resistance of the molded parts, the longer the service life of the transparent screen. The wear resistance of molded parts is determined by the molding process and materials of the transparent screen.2.Reflectivity of molded parts: The reflectivity of molded parts refers to the ability of the molded parts to reflect incident light. The higher the reflectivity of the molded part,



Understand outdoor LED display design and installation issues

1. The joint between the screen and the building must be strictly waterproof and leak-proof; the screen must have good drainage measures so that it can be drained smoothly once water accumulates;2. Install lightning protection devices on display screens and buildings. The main body and shell of the LED display should be well grounded, and the ground resistance should be less than 3 ohms, so that large currents caused by lightning can be discharged in a timely manner;3. Install ventilation equipment to cool down the screen so that the internal temperature of the screen is between -10°C and 40°C. An axial flow fan is installed above and behind the screen to discharge heat;4. Use industrial-grade integrated circuit chips with operating temperatures between -40°C and 80°C to prevent the display from being unable to start due to low temperatures in winter. ;5. In order to ensure long-distance visibility under strong ambient light, ultra-high brightness light-emitting diodes must be used;6.



What is the extrusion processing performance of transparent screens?

Transparent screen is a special display technology that allows the image on the screen to be clearly displayed through glass or other transparent materials. The extrusion processing performance of a transparent screen is an important indicator to measure its display effect. Let’s introduce it in detail below.1. Extrusion processing performance of transparent screenThe extrusion processing performance of transparent screens mainly includes the following aspects:1. Wear resistance of extruded parts: The wear resistance of extruded parts refers to the degree of wear resistance of extruded parts during use. The higher the wear resistance of the extrusion, the longer the life of the transparent screen. The wear resistance of extruded parts is determined by the extrusion process and materials of the transparent screen.2. Reflectivity of extruded parts: The reflectivity of extruded parts refers to the ability of extruded parts to reflect incident light. The higher the reflectivity of the extr



LED transparent screen in application environment

1. Building curtain wall: The transparent LED display screen will usually be installed on the glass keel, and combined with the glass curtain wall, it can achieve good advertising effects.2. Space design: LED transparent screens can be customized into different shapes to meet different space needs and achieve the effect of space beautification.3. Exhibition display: Transparent display screens are used in various exhibitions, such as auto shows, press conferences, etc., to promote products in an all-round way.4. Window display: Transparent advertising machines hung on the window can play a very good role in commercial promotion.The emergence of new retail will inevitably promote the development of the commercial display market, and at the same time, it will also create a certain incremental market for LED displays. There is no doubt that LED transparent screen has become a dark horse in the LED display segment, and its wide application is accepted by more and more users. This also indi



Transparent screen applications

Transparent screens have a wide range of applications, mainly including the following aspects:1.Commercial display: Transparent screens can be used for commercial displays, such as display windows, display walls, etc. The transparent screen can clearly present the display content and attract more customers' attention.2.Architectural decoration: Transparent screens can be used for architectural decoration, such as transparent curtain walls, transparent ceilings, etc. The transparent screen can be integrated with the building, and can also show the lights and decorations inside the building, increasing the beauty of the building.3.Transportation: Transparent screens can be used in transportation, such as transparent car windows, transparent airplane windows, etc. Transparent screens can reduce the thickness of car windows or aircraft windows and reduce air resistance, while also showing the scene inside the car or cabin.4.Home decoration: Transparent screens can be used for home deco



What is the optical processing performance of the transparent screen?

Transparent screen is a special display technology that allows the image on the screen to be clearly displayed through glass or other transparent materials. The optical processing performance of a transparent screen is an important indicator to measure its display effect. Let’s introduce it in detail below.1. Optical processing performance of transparent screenThe optical processing performance of transparent screens mainly includes the following aspects:1.Transparency: The transparency of a transparent screen refers to the proportion of light that passes through the screen. The higher the transparency, the clearer the image displayed on the screen and the more transparent the screen itself will be. The level of transparency is determined by the material and production process of the transparent screen.2.Reflectivity: Reflectivity refers to the proportion of light reflected from the surface of the screen. The lower the reflectivity, the clearer the image displayed on the screen, and th

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