What are the outdoor LED displays? Which model is more suitable for outdoor use

source:Industry News release time:2024.03.20 Hits:1     Popular:led screen wholesaler


The manufacturing processes of outdoor and indoor LED displays are completely different. LED displays used outdoors have higher performance requirements than indoor ones. So which displays are more suitable for outdoor applications? We can make purchases based on the following conditions:

1. Viewing distance

When choosing an outdoor LED display, you should also choose the point spacing of the display based on the distance between the viewers. Outdoor LED displays are generally divided into P4, P6, P8, P10, P16 and so on according to the point spacing. Generally, it can be estimated according to the simplified formula "optimal viewing distance = dot spacing/(0.3~0.8)". For example, if you use a P16 display and the dot spacing is 16mm, the optimal viewing distance is 20-54 meters.

2. Installation method and height

Installation height: According to our outdoor installation height, it can provide us with a good basis for choosing the LED display model. If our installation height is high and the screen area is large, we can choose a larger LED display, such as P16, P20, etc.; otherwise, choose P10, etc. The installation methods are different, which is an important reference for us to choose the LED display cabinet. Generally, in addition to the wall-mounted installation method, it is recommended to use a sealed box for other installation methods.

3. Product types

According to the color of the LED used, outdoor LED displays can be divided into single primary color, dual primary color and full color screen. The single-color LED display can be used as a text display. Each pixel uses a single-color LED, most of which are red; the dual-color LED display can be used as a graphic display. Each pixel is composed of red and green LED tubes. It can display three colors of red, green and yellow; the full-color LED display can be used as a video display. Each pixel is composed of three kinds of LED tubes: red, green and blue, and the display color is delicate.

4. Screen brightness

Outdoor LED display is an outdoor terminal that can be used for all-weather display, so the requirements for screen brightness are relatively strict. Generally, when the screen is facing south and facing north, the screen brightness should not be less than 4000cd/㎡; when the screen is facing south In order to achieve a better display effect, the screen brightness is required to be no less than 8000cd/㎡. If your budget allows, you can choose a product that automatically adjusts the screen brightness according to the natural light intensity outdoors. On the one hand, it can reduce power consumption and operating costs, and on the other hand, it can also reduce light pollution.

5. Grayscale

Grayscale is an important indicator for measuring the display effect of outdoor LED displays. Grayscale is determined by the number of analog-to-digital conversion digits when supported by other supporting hardware. The mainstream ones are 8-bit, 10-bit and 16-bit. The 8-bit analog Digital conversion corresponds to 256 brightness changes, that is, 256 levels of gray, with a total of 256×256×256=16777216 color changes, commonly known as 16M colors; 10-bit analog-to-digital conversion corresponds to 1024 brightness changes, that is, 1024 levels of gray , a total of 1024×1024×1024=1073741824 color variations, which is commonly known as 1.07 billion colors. The higher the gray level, the better the display effect.

6. Driving mode

The driving method of outdoor LED display should be comprehensively determined based on the expected display effect and budget. LED displays generally use constant current drive, and the driving methods are divided into static scanning and dynamic scanning. Simply put, static scanning means that a pin of the driver chip controls an LED, and dynamic scanning means that a pin of the driver chip uses a refresh method. Control several LEDs to light up. The static scanning display effect is relatively good, the light loss is small, but the cost is relatively high; the dynamic scanning display effect is relatively poor, the light loss is large, but the cost can be reduced.

Our LED display products such as LED transparent screens, LED grille screens, and LED light strip screens are suitable for outdoor applications. There are many product models to meet your needs, and the ultra-high quality can withstand harsh outdoor conditions, making your advertisements dazzling from hundreds of meters or thousands of meters away.

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