The career change of a 39-year-old street singer: from street singing to LED display sales

source:Industry News release time:2024.01.15 Hits:1     Popular:led screen wholesaler


In the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a kind of people who make a living by singing and make the streets their home. They are wandering singers. Their lives are full of uncertainty, but their songs bring endless warmth and hope to people. However, when 39-year-old street singer TOM decided to switch to selling LED displays, his life changed drastically.

TOM was once a passionate and talented singer, and his singing deeply touched many people. However, as he grew older, his voice gradually became hoarse and he could no longer sing as moving songs as before. At the same time, he also found that his income became increasingly difficult to sustain his life. In desperation, Li Ming decided to put down his guitar and switch to selling LED displays.

Although this decision made Li Ming confused and uneasy, he did not give up. He began to learn about LED displays, understand market needs, and find suitable sales channels. He used his passion and perseverance to build his career bit by bit.

After switching to selling LED displays, TOM's life has undergone tremendous changes. He no longer has to sing on the streets in the cold winter, and he no longer has to worry about income. His quality of life has improved significantly and he has more time and energy to do the things he loves.

However, TOM has not forgotten his former identity. He still plays guitar and sings in his free time. Although his singing voice is not as loud as before, it is more soulful and sincere. His singing can still touch people's hearts and bring them strength and hope.

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