Regular maintenance can improve the working efficiency of LED display. Collect these maintenance methods quickly.

source:Industry News release time:2023.11.20 Hits:1     Popular:led screen wholesaler


In our lives, no matter how good a product is, it cannot do without maintenance. The life of a product is not only determined by the quality of the product itself, but maintenance and repair are also key. It is reasonable for LED displays to have problems just like any other product. It’s best to detect problems early and get repairs done as early as possible. So what are the maintenance and testing methods of LED display screens, and how should users perform maintenance work during the use of LED screens?

01. Resistance detection method

For the resistance detection method of the display screen, we need to adjust the multimeter to the resistance range, first detect the resistance value of a certain point on the normal circuit board to ground, and then check the same point on another identical circuit board for testing. Is there a difference in normal resistance, if there is a difference you will know the extent of the display problem, otherwise ignore it.

02. Voltage detection method

The voltage detection of the display screen is to adjust the multimeter to a voltage range to detect the voltage of a certain point of the suspected problem circuit to the ground. This is normal compared to the previous one, so the problem can be easily identified.

03. Screen short circuit detection method

The display short circuit detection method is to adjust the multimeter to the short circuit detection block to detect whether there is a short circuit. If a short circuit is found, it should be resolved immediately. Display short circuit is also the most common LED display module failure. also! When performing short circuit detection, the power should be turned off to avoid damaging the multimeter.

04. Pressure drop detection method

The LED display voltage drop detection method is to adjust the multimeter to the diode voltage drop detection range. Because all ICs of the display are composed of many unit components, when a current flows through one of its pins, there will be a voltage on the pin. drop. Typically, voltage drops across pins of the same type of IC are similar.

We can keep in mind the above four LED display maintenance methods and conduct regular inspections to avoid damaging the display, which plays a vital role in extending the service life of the display. At the same time, the use time of the LED display can be extended and unnecessary budget expenses can be saved.

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