10 common LED transparent display failures and their solutions, learn and earn

source:Industry News release time:2023.11.17 Hits:1     Popular:led screen wholesaler


If the LED display screen fails, it will definitely cause trouble for those in the industry. But troubles are meant to be solved, but how to solve these problems? Today, let’s learn about 10 methods for troubleshooting LED display screens.

1. The display screen does not work and the green light of the sending card flashes (made into a retractable type)

1. Cause of failure:

a. The screen is not powered;

b. The network cable is not connected properly;

c. The receiving card has no power supply or the power supply voltage is too low;

d. The sending card is broken;

e. The signal transmission intermediate equipment is connected or faulty (such as function card, optical fiber transceiver box);

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Check to confirm that the screen power supply is normal;

2) Check and reconnect the network cable;

3) Ensure that the DC output power supply of the power supply is 5-5.2V;

4) Replace the sending card;

5) Check the connection or replace the function card (optical fiber transceiver box);

2. The display screen does not work and the green light of the sending card does not flash.

1. Cause of failure:

a.The DVI or HDMI cable is not connected properly;

b. The copy or extend mode is not set in the graphics card control panel;

c. The software chooses to turn off the power of the large screen;

d. The sending card is not inserted in place or there is a problem with the sending card;

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Check the DVI cable connector;

2) Reset the copy mode;

3) The software chooses to turn on the large screen power;

4) Reinsert the sending card or replace the sending card;

3. When starting, it prompts "Large screen system not found"

1. Cause of failure:

a. The serial port cable or USB cable is not connected to the sending card;

b. The computer COM or USB port is broken;

c. The serial port cable or USB cable is broken;

d. The sending card is broken;

e. The USB driver is not installed;

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Confirm and connect the serial port cable;

2) Replace the computer;

3) Replace the serial port line;

4) Replace the sending card;

5) Install a new version of the software or install the USB driver separately

4. The long strip with the same height as the light panel does not display or partially does not display or lacks color.

1. Cause of failure:

a. The flat cable or DVI cable (applicable to submarine series) has poor contact or disconnection;

b. There is a problem with the output of the former or the input of the latter of the light panel at the junction.

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Re-insert or replace the cable;

2) First determine which display module is faulty and then replace it for repair.

5. Some modules (3-6 blocks) are not displayed

1. Cause of failure:

a. Power supply protection or damage;

b. The AC power cord is not in good contact

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Test and confirm that the power supply is normal;

2) Reconnect the power cord;

6. The entire box is not displayed

1. Cause of failure:

a. The 220V power supply line is not connected properly;

b. There is a problem with network cable transmission;

c. The receiving card is damaged;

d. The HUB board is inserted in the wrong position

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Check the power supply line;

2) Confirm to replace the network cable;

3) Replace the receiving card;

4) Reinsert HUB;

7. The whole screen is decorated with dots and picture and shadow buttons.

1. Cause of failure:

a. The driver loader is incorrect;

b. The network cable between the computer and the screen is too long or of poor quality;

c. The sending card is broken;

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Re-operate to load the receiving card file;

2) Shorten the length of the network cable or replace it;

3) Replace the sending card;

8. Each display unit of the entire display screen displays the same content.

1. Cause of failure: The display connection file was not sent;

2. Troubleshooting method: Reset the sending screen file, and when sending, connect the network cable of the computer to the output port of the sending card near the indicator light.

9. The brightness of the display screen is very low and the displayed image is blurry.

1. Cause of failure:

a. An error occurred in the card sending program;

b. The function card settings are incorrect

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Restore the default settings of the sending card and save them;

2) Set the minimum brightness value of display screen monitoring to above 80;

10. The whole screen shakes or ghosts

1. Cause of failure:

a. Check the communication line between the computer and the large screen;

b. Check the DVI cable of the multimedia card and sending card;

c. The sending card is broken.

2. Troubleshooting methods:

1) Replug or replace the communication cable;

2) Reinforce the DVI cable plug;

3) Replace the sending card.

After understanding these ten common LED display failures and emergency solutions, you don’t have to worry too much about temporary failures in the display, because you can completely solve them.

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