What is the technical principle of LED display?

source:Industry News release time:2023.07.15 Hits:1     Popular:led screen wholesaler


What is the technical principle of LED display?

The technical principle of the LED display is to use the photoelectric characteristics of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to drive the LED array through current to display color or monochrome images. The technical principle of the LED display determines that it has the advantages of high brightness, high efficiency, long life, rich colors, and the ability to display dynamic images. Below we will introduce the technical principle of LED display in detail from several aspects.

First, the basic structure of the LED display

The basic structure of LED display includes LED array, control circuit, power supply and other parts. Among them, the LED array is the core part of the LED display, which is composed of a single LED or a combination of multiple LEDs. The control circuit is used to control parameters such as brightness, color and brightness change speed of the LED. The power supply is the part that provides energy for the LED display.

Two, LED display light emitting principle

The principle of LED display is to use the energy conversion between electrons and holes. When an electron transitions from a low energy level to a high energy level, it will emit a high-energy photon. At this time, the LED will emit a certain frequency. Light. The principle of light emission of LEDs of different colors is basically the same, but the wavelength of light emission is different. For example, the light emitting principle of red LED is to use the light of blue LED to excite the valence band of red LED, so as to emit red light.

3. Optical principle of LED display

The optical principle of the LED display is to use the optical characteristics of the LED to pass the light emitted by the LED through optical elements such as a matrix or a reflector, and project it to the corresponding area respectively, thereby forming a color or monochrome image. The optical principle of the LED display is similar to the imaging principle of the TV, but the pixels of the LED display are smaller, which can achieve higher resolution.

4. The principle of viewing angle of LED display

The principle of the viewing angle of the LED display is because the light of the LED is emitted from all directions, so when observing the LED display, there will be a certain viewing angle dead angle. In order to solve this problem, LED display designers usually design the LED array into a certain geometric shape, such as a matrix or a square, so that the LED light can be better utilized and the viewing angle effect can be improved.

Five, LED display technical indicators

The technical indicators of LED displays include brightness, color reproduction, contrast, refresh rate, lifespan, etc. The brightness refers to the intensity of the light emitted by the LED display, the color reproduction refers to the color consistency between the image displayed on the LED display and the original image, and the contrast refers to the brightness and darkness between the images displayed on the LED display. Contrast, refresh rate refers to the number of changes per second of the image displayed on the LED display, and life refers to the service life of the LED display.

6. Application field of LED display

The application fields of LED display are very extensive, including the following aspects:

LED displays can be used in various display applications, such as electronic watches, watches, digital tubes, liquid crystal displays, plasma displays, etc.

LED display can be used for indoor and outdoor lighting, stage lighting, street lighting, etc.

LED displays can be used for display screens, such as electronic billboards, station screens, airport screens, etc.

LED displays can be used in the field of education, such as smart blackboards, classroom displays, etc.

LED displays can be used in the medical field, such as hospital digital signage, LED lights, etc.

LED displays can be used in the financial field, such as ATMs, queuing machines, etc.

LED displays can be used in the field of transportation, such as LED traffic signs on highways, LED lights on subway stations, etc.

LED display can be used in the field of security, such as security monitoring system, access control system, etc.

Seven, the development trend of LED display

The development trend of LED display includes the following aspects:

The technical principle of LED display is constantly innovating, such as quantum dot LED, quantum well LED and so on.

The application fields of LED display are expanding continuously, such as smart home, vehicle display and so on.

The display effect of LED display is constantly improving, such as high-definition LED display, holographic LED display and so on.

The manufacturing process of LED display is continuously improved, such as surface mount LED display, in-line LED display and so on.

In short, the research and practice of the technical principles, application fields, and development trends of LED displays have made the application prospects of LED displays more and more broad, bringing more convenience and fun to people's life and work.

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